Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa A Case Series
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ENV, Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa, Diagnosis, Management
Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV) is a rare complication of chronic lymphedema that can cause significant disfiguration of the affected body part. We present a case series of two patients encompassing a spectrum of ENV severity to make medical providers more comfortable identifying and managing ENV to ultimately improve patient outcomes.
1. Liaw FY, Huang CF, Wu YC, Wu BY. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa: swelling with verrucose appearance of lower limbs. Can Fam Physician. 2012;58(10):e551-e553.
2. Sarma PS, Ghorpade A. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa on the legs and abdomen with morbid obesity in an Indian lady. Dermatol Online J. 2008;14(12):20.
3. Sisto, K., Khachemoune, A. Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa. Am J Clin Dermatol 9, 141–146 (2008). https://doi.org/10.2165/00128071-200809030-00001
4. Baird D, Bode D, Akers T, Deyoung Z. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV): a complication of congestive heart failure and obesity. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010;23(3):413–7.
5. Sisto K, Khachemoune A. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa: a review. Am J Clin Dermatol 2008; 9: 141–6.
6. Tiwari A, Cheng K, Button M, Myint F, Hamilton G. Differential diagnosis, investigation, and current treatment of lower limb lymphedema. Arch Surg 2003; 138: 152.
7. Yoho RM, Budny AM, Pea AS. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2006; 96: 442–4.
8. Hunt SA, Abraham WT, Chin MH, et al. 2009 focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed in collaboration with the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 53: e1–e90.
9. Pérez-Rodríguez IM, Ocampo-Garza J, Garza-Chapa JI, Ocampo-Candiani J. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa as a manifestation of morbid obesity. BMJ Case Rep. 2014;2014:bcr2014207574. Published 2014 Nov 18. doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-207574
10. Boyd J, Sloan S, Meffert J. Elephantiasis nostrum verrucosa of the abdomen: clinical results with tazarotene. J Drugs Dermatol 2004; 3: 446–8.
11. Chiang YY, Cheng KL, Lee WR, Hu CH. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa—a case report of effective management with complete decongestive therapy. Dermatol Sinica. 2005;23(4):228–32.
12. Iwao F, Sato-Matsumura KC, Sawamura D, Shimizu H. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa successfully treated by surgical debridement. Dermatol Surg 2004;30:939-41.
13. Ito K, Inada A, Nishikawa M, Inoue T. A case of progressive elephantiasis nostras verrucosa. Intern Med. 2015;54(7):863-864. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.54.3829
2. Sarma PS, Ghorpade A. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa on the legs and abdomen with morbid obesity in an Indian lady. Dermatol Online J. 2008;14(12):20.
3. Sisto, K., Khachemoune, A. Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa. Am J Clin Dermatol 9, 141–146 (2008). https://doi.org/10.2165/00128071-200809030-00001
4. Baird D, Bode D, Akers T, Deyoung Z. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV): a complication of congestive heart failure and obesity. J Am Board Fam Med. 2010;23(3):413–7.
5. Sisto K, Khachemoune A. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa: a review. Am J Clin Dermatol 2008; 9: 141–6.
6. Tiwari A, Cheng K, Button M, Myint F, Hamilton G. Differential diagnosis, investigation, and current treatment of lower limb lymphedema. Arch Surg 2003; 138: 152.
7. Yoho RM, Budny AM, Pea AS. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2006; 96: 442–4.
8. Hunt SA, Abraham WT, Chin MH, et al. 2009 focused update incorporated into the ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines developed in collaboration with the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2009; 53: e1–e90.
9. Pérez-Rodríguez IM, Ocampo-Garza J, Garza-Chapa JI, Ocampo-Candiani J. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa as a manifestation of morbid obesity. BMJ Case Rep. 2014;2014:bcr2014207574. Published 2014 Nov 18. doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-207574
10. Boyd J, Sloan S, Meffert J. Elephantiasis nostrum verrucosa of the abdomen: clinical results with tazarotene. J Drugs Dermatol 2004; 3: 446–8.
11. Chiang YY, Cheng KL, Lee WR, Hu CH. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa—a case report of effective management with complete decongestive therapy. Dermatol Sinica. 2005;23(4):228–32.
12. Iwao F, Sato-Matsumura KC, Sawamura D, Shimizu H. Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa successfully treated by surgical debridement. Dermatol Surg 2004;30:939-41.
13. Ito K, Inada A, Nishikawa M, Inoue T. A case of progressive elephantiasis nostras verrucosa. Intern Med. 2015;54(7):863-864. doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.54.3829