Insurance Coverage for Phototherapy for Vitiligo in Comparison to Psoriasis and Atopic Dermatitis

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Fabiana Castro Porto Silva Lopes
Ammar Ahmed


Vitiligo, phototherapy, coverage, insurance


Objective: To compare in-office phototherapy and home phototherapy insurance coverage for vitiligo with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Methods: Information about phototherapy coverage in Texas was extracted via web search.

Results: Vitiligo is the only disease analyzed for which multiple insurances explicitly stated they do not cover in-office phototherapy, and it is also the least covered for home phototherapy. Moreover, more insurances have more prerequisites to cover phototherapy for vitiligo than they do for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

Conclusions: Our results show that insurance coverage of phototherapy in Texas varies widely and that, compared to patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, patients with vitiligo face higher insurance coverage barriers for phototherapy. As phototherapy is a safe and effective vitiligo treatment, efforts to produce greater parity in coverage between vitiligo and other dermatologic diseases are warranted.


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