Characterizing Skin Cancers Arising for the First Time Following Solid Organ Transplant with Subsequent Recurrence

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Chelsea Shope
Laura Andrews
Courtney Linkous
Ashley Girvin
Hannah Neimy
Lara Wine Lee


Transplant, Immunosuppression, Skin cancer


Introduction: There is an established relationship between solid organ transplantation (SOT) and increased incidence of skin cancers. There is a paucity of data characterizing skin cancers arising for the first-time post-transplant that subsequently recur.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective review to identify SOT recipients (SOTRs) at our institution with recurrence of skin cancer that initially developed post-transplant (“recurrence”). Patients with pre-transplant history of skin cancer were excluded. Data was analyzed using one-sample t-tests.

Results: Of 530 SOTRs identified, 33 had recurrence (mean 3.97 + 6.97). SOTRs with recurrence were male (87.9%), white (97%), kidney recipients (75.7%) with a mean age at transplant of 56.52 [+11.69] years (p-value<0.001 each). Recurrences arose from SCC (66.7%) on the face or scalp (57.5%), which were invasive at time of diagnosis (63.6%) (p-value<0.001 each).

Conclusion: White kidney and cardiac SOTRs have high risk for recurrence and thus should have annual examinations performed by a dermatologist.


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