Steatocystoma Multiplex Suppurativa Treated Successfully with Adalimumab and Topical Tofacitinib

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Mariana McCune
Aaron Graff
Christina Harview
Lindsay Ackerman


Steatocystoma multiplex suppurativa, anti-TNF-alpha therapy, adalimumab, tofacitnib, anti-JAK


Steatocystoma multiplex (SM) is a rare chronic dermatologic condition which may cause significant distress and negatively impact quality of life. Currently, there is no consensus for treatment. When inflammatory, it is called steatocystoma multiplex suppurativa, an even more rare condition that has shown reported success with anti-TNF-alpha therapy. We describe a patient case wherein adalimumab prescribed for autoimmune arthritis resulted in SMS remission, further supported with evidence of sustained remission with topical tofacitinib. This patient case supports other evidence showing adalimumab as a treatment option for SMS and highlights the potential of tofacitinib as a novel treatment.


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