Reporting of Quality of Life in Clinical Trials of Biologics for Plaque Psoriasis: A Systematic Review
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plaque psoriasis, quality of life, Dermatology Life Quality Index, Systematic Review, biologic therapy
Background: Psoriasis is a chronic remitting and relapsing skin disease. For many patients, improved quality of life (QoL) is as important as clinical improvement of lesions.
Objective: To review reporting of Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of biologics for adult patients with plaque psoriasis.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted in 4 databases for RCTs that measured DLQI at baseline and endpoint. A data collection form was created for collecting study variables. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool.
Results: Thirty-four RCTs enrolling 16,784 patients were included. Complete baseline and final mean DLQI data was retrieved for 24 studies (70.6%). The mean DLQI at baseline was reported in 79.4% of RCTs. The median at baseline was reported in 14.7% of RCTs. The mean DLQI at endpoint was reported in 23.5% of RCTs and the median DLQI at endpoint was reported in 5.9% of RCTs. The mean change in DLQI was reported in 64.7% of RCTs.
Conclusions: DLQI was measured in most clinical trials assessing the efficacy of biologics for psoriasis. Studies did not adhere to uniform standards in publishing results, making analysis of the impact on DLQI challenging.
Key Words: plaque psoriasis, quality of life, Dermatology Life Quality Index, Systematic Review, biologic therapy
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