Rapid Efficacy of Ixekizumab for Pediatric Acute Generalized Pustular Psoriasis

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Linda Serrano
Valerie Carlberg
Kristen Holland


pustular psoriasis, ixekizumab, biologic, pediatric dermatology, psoriasis


Introduction: Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare, severe variant of psoriasis that is uncommon in pediatric patients and can be refractory to many therapies. Ixekizumab, a monoclonal antibody that selectively inhibits interleukin 17-A, has been reported as safe and efficacious in patients with GPP, though minimal data exists on its use in the pediatric population.

Case presentation: A 17-year-old female with history of alopecia areata and pustular psoriasis, on ustekinumab, was admitted for a severe pustular psoriasis flare with systemic symptoms including fever and tachycardia which progressed to erythroderma and required vasopressor support. After minimal improvement with 24 hours on broad-spectrum antibiotics, she received cyclosporine 5mg/kg/day. On day three of admission, and after two days of cyclosporine with minimal improvement, she received a 160 mg loading dose of ixekizumab. She defervesced and transferred out of the ICU within 24 hours. She was successfully weaned off cyclosporine after her second dose of ixekizumab. She experienced no adverse reactions.

Discussion: Generalized pustular psoriasis is less common and often more severe than plaque psoriasis, associated with increased morbidity and mortality in both pediatric and adult patients. Clinical trials and case series have reported rapid and sustained improvement in patients with pustular psoriasis refractory to other therapies, though there is little data on the pediatric population. This case demonstrates the rapid efficacy of ixekizumab for severe erythrodermic pustular psoriasis in a pediatric patient, highlighting its use not only for refractory disease, but also as a rescue therapy in an emergent setting.


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